Kuna ma olen igavene noulaif, siis ma olin väga rõõmus, kui ma tänu Gretele avastasin lehekülje http://www.fmylife.com
Ma ei saa üle, ma olen vist nüüdseks juba seal tunde veetunud ja ei taha kunagi lõpetada. Pmst see on sjuuke leht, et kõik saavad kirjutada, mis feile asju nende elus juhtub. Ja ütlen ausalt ära, et endal hakkab ka kohe parem, kui saab lugeda, mis feilid teistel on. Mõned näited

Today, my girlfriend’s friend told her she had seen me shopping with a cute girl. When I came back home my girlfriend punched me in the face and asked who the girl was. Apparently her friend didn’t tell her the cute girl was my three years old niece. I lost a tooth because of that punch. FML

Today, I was taking the metro into DC for my internship. Two guys came in and started talking to each other in Arabic. One boy turned to the other said “Do you think shes cute?” The other responded “Her face is hideous but she has nice tits.” I am fluent in Arabic. They were looking at me. FML

Today, I received my passport in the mail. They got my birthdate wrong. Then I picked up my birth certificate that I had sent in with the application. Turns out my parents have been celebrating my birthday on the wrong day for 16 years. FML

Ma praegu seda ei leia, kus poiss arvas, et plika bikiinid hargnevad ja tahtis niiti ära tõmmata ja tõmbas piffil rannas kõigi ees tampooni välja:(

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