one day, baby we’ll be old

Because one day we all will be wrinkly and old, all women should be (almost) naked on a picture at least once in her lifetime. Of course it would have made much more sense to take the pictures before I popped a baby out of my vagina and grew 9 months until I looked like a baby blue whale. But what the hell, I can’t turn back time and when I got the offer to go and get my sexy on on pictures, I ran as fast as the wind. (Ok, I actually didn’t run. The photographer picked me up and we drove to the set in his car)

The shoot was cool and I felt like I was taking part in ANTM. Martin told me how I should hold my hands, toes, face…It seemed pretty easy until I went under water and realized I have water in my eyes, nose, lungs, kidneys and mouth. I died a bit inside and tried again. Lucky for my I got the hold of it by the end (WITHOUT DROWNING!). The only downfall was the fact, that I looked like I had at least one amputated hand, but what the hell. You try to look hot AND have both your hands sensually on your body. NOT that easy! Yup, just me, chilling around under water and smiling. Why wouldn’t I?

The last first picture is funny. Why would anyone just hang around underwater and smile? Well, I did. And also a moment of silence please for the ass I once owned and that is now gone to live on somebody else. Who took my ass? And boobs? Damn pregnancy and having babies.

IMG_7756-2 IMG_7766-2 IMG_7799-3 IMG_7837-2 IMG_7856 IMG_7860 IMG_7877-3 IMG_7897-2 IMG_7909Would you take photos like these?

Mida sina arvad?

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